Thursday, June 16, 2011

Relay For Life

The legendary Relay for Life has once again come to my little town.  It is amazing how much we as a community participate in the relay.  Once you are there you are really able to remember everyone you know who has had cancer and that acts as a motivator for the relay.  Each person in the relay has a reason for relaying, mine is my brother, grandmother, and great-grandfather.  I also have friends and others that I know who have had cancer, some of which overcame amazing odds to live and to help others fight.  When I am there I am overcome by a drive to continue on in the relay.  Ours is an all-night relay and I usually want to walk almost every hour.  My first relay I walked so long that I was limping and stumbling around the track by seven in the morning.  The relay begins tomorrow.  I am looking forward to participating with my team and walking with my friends around the track to help fight against cancer and to fight to find the cure.

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